Charlize Theron, model and actress, winner of the Oscar as best actress in 2003 for
Monster. In addition to have healthy habits, she follows a
healthy and balanced diet:
Charlize Theron's healthy diet and balanced diet
Charlize Theron keeps slim thanks to a
healthy diet and balanced diet. She is a good student of slimming: food variety and moderation.
The menu of each
Lunch consists on: proteins (meat, fish and eggs), fruits, vegetables and aliments rich in starch, all with moderation. Concerning the “prohibited” aliments, the actress avoids the cookies, hamburgers and pizzas. Instead of suffering complete privations,
Charlize Theron only eats a little bit (a third or a quarter portions) and in order to avoid eating between hours, she prefers to have
6 small lunches per day instead of 3 big lunches.
Should I follow the healthy diet and balanced diet or not? According to our experts: "
The healthy and balanced diet is very healthy because the loss of weight is through a varied alimentation and you do not suffer hunger because you eat everything you want in small quantities. Before starting a diet, please consult your doctor or nutritionist." Celebrity Exercises: Charlize Theron Exercises
Charlize Theron loves to practice Sports with the help of a personal trainer.
Diet duration: 1h30 per day. 4 days per week. The program of Charlize Theron includes:
- Karate, for strengthening the entire body.
- Jogging and swimming, for burning fats and oxygenating.
- Weights and abdominals, for working muscle groups in particular.
- Stretching, 15 minutes at the end of the training, for gaining flexibility.
The triceps, Charlize Theron's secret exercise:
The triceps are muscles at the rear top of the arms. They tend to be flaccid with the edge. This part of the body is very visible when wearing clothes without sleeves. For the reason, we must help the triceps to stand firms. The solution: exercises with weights.
Charlie Theron recommends to realize 3 series of 12 repetitions lifting weights each day. If you have a lot of accumulated fat, add cardiovascular exercise and 1 healthy alimentation. Charlie Theron guarantees visible results in 4 weeks!!
For triceps there are no creams, and very few surgeries, the solution lifting weights.
Celebrity beauty secret: Charlize Theron's beauty tip
The actress
Charlize Theron makes you discover her
best beauty secret to take advantage of your
make-up, by Charlize Theron.
The natural beauty doesn’t need much make-up. Take advantage of the face factions; don’t try to be someone else. Use
make-up only to reach your
natural beauty. Your
lips must be always outlined as well as your eyes; you will be more beautiful with a subtle make-up. Don’t be afraid to experiment by changing your make-up.
Charlize Theron is glamorous. Make-up lights up her face:
Celebrity style: Charlize Theron's style is great!
Charlize Theron is always one of the best
trendy’s looks of the season. The actress is one of the best well dressed in Hollywood. Chic sandals for a perfect... look!
Tattoos over very long legs. The
must have for this summer:
In Hollywood,
heels are... very high!. The
must have of the celebrities:
Access to 400 diets and discover how to slim fast! It's really incredible.